dilluns, 13 d’octubre del 2008

My e-mail presentation

Hello dear Lourdes

my name's Albert Fusté. I'm 16 years old and I do 1rst of Batxillerat.
My notes of English in 4º of ESO are not really good, but this year I want to have a good notes.

I'm doing batxillerat tecnològic because in the future i want to be a mechanics engineer.
In my free time, I ride in motorbike, but 6 months ago I haved one accident and I'm broked my arm.
I play basket in the Castello d'Empúries team.
I didn't love football, but i like the Deportivo de la Coruña team.

I love the SKA music, because is not a very popular musik but is a very good sound. My favourites grups of SKA are: Discipulos de Otilia, Skalariak, Dr. Calypso and some more. If you wont, you cant listen to some songs here: http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=PSTHMxBttlU . This is ones of the bests grups of ska in the world, but now, nowbody listen her music.

I see you soon.

att: Albert