dilluns, 1 de juny del 2009


In Buñol, Valencia, 40000 people has celebreted the TOMATINA.
The people go to the streets and fight with tomatoes. The people comes from arround the wprld, Russia, Japa, Australia...
Some people thinks that the money spended in tomatoes, can be spended in the 3rd worls for help the poor people who needs money or food.
The TOMATINA suporters have sayed that it also happens with F1, moto GP, Soccer... and nobody says anithing. For these reason, the tomatina will continue.


Barcelona's pharmacy school has criticised the dental hygiene of the children, who the 70% have cavities.
The pharmacy school said children thaht they don't brush their teeth correctly and eat to much sugar and they eat so badly in general.
The school have also talked with the parents about the dental hygiene, because they are "the mirrors" of children.

diumenge, 31 de maig del 2009

A German child dead in Port de la Selva

Last 27th of May, a German family lost one of their children when they went out for a walk in Port de la Selva. The father of the family told they lost their son when she was with her parents and she wanted to go with her sisters, who were further. She never has gone with her sisters and the two groups of the family thought she was with the other group. The family notified the fire department, and they looked for the child these afternoon but they not found her. Next days, more departments were looking for her and two days later a helicopter found her down a cliff. She was dead. The fire department supposed she fell when she went with her sisters because she wanted to see something down the cliff.

dilluns, 25 de maig del 2009

dilluns, 9 de març del 2009

observation of my oral exposition

I can't do a very extensive and complete observation of my oral exposition because I only have one minute of these. I expect Lourdes understand my situation, i don't recorded this video, and she passed me but when I recived it, I only found one minute, for this reason i also can't do my transcription.
I think that in my oral exposition, I do some mistakes. First I talk a little bit slowly, maybe it's correct, but i think that I can talk a little bit quickly. I also pass a little time watching the screen, but I think that it's a easy thing to correct for the next exposition. Finally, I maybe have don a mistakes of pronuntiation, but I think that I haven't don't a lot of them.
I have chosed Jamaica for the presentation because I really love this country, but I don't really enjoy speak about the countrys.
For the next oral exposition, I will correct all this things.



diumenge, 8 de març del 2009

avalanche risc

The BBC advertise that in the mountains of the majority of the countrys of Europa.
A lot of skiers and snowborders are so worry about this notice, because in the 3 last years, 12 persons have lost her lives in the mountains, the reason of her deads, are the avalanches. The BBC advise the people who wont to go to the mountain, that before take information of the state of the snow and the avalanche riscs of this zone.

Discusion essay: be a celebrity is a great thing?

Now, it was a lot of celebritys and famous persons. I think that the greatest number of celebritys is in USA, and the majority of these are in the world of cinema, sports and music.
There're advantages and disadvantatges:
On the one hand, if you're a celebrity, you recive a lot of invitations for important events, and you have a lot of free things, If you are a celebrity, you will get rich and the people know you, for these reason, sometimes you have priority.
On the other hand, you never can do anything without the fans look you. The paparazzis follow you all the time for know the important things of your private live.
For all these reasons, I think that be a cellebrity is not a great thing, because I must have intimity.

dilluns, 2 de març del 2009

opinion about the oral exposition

- Cristian Perez: he explain the important things of USA, the geography, hollywood, the most important persons, food and drink, things to visit and the music of this country.
Q: Have you ever been in USA?
M: 6'5

- Joel Murcia: he talk about Alaska. He explain the clima, the situacion, the culture, the economy, the diferent important places.
Q: what is the most enjoyng place of Alaska?
M: 7

- Belinda & Sandra: they talk about Scotland, they explain the localization, the music, the instruments, the history, things for visit, Nessy, and wiski. In my opinion, sandra have don a very good job, but belinda don't know his part and read so much.
Q: Do you play bagpipe some time?
M: belinda 5, sandra 8

- Francesc Marina: They talk about Scotland too. They explain the situation, the instruments and in great detail the whisky. They have some problems about the power point but it doesent metter. Fran have studied a lot for the exposition and have don a very god exposition, but marina don't have enough time and for these reason, she must read a lot.
Q: why do you chose Scotland?
M: Fran 7'5, marina 4'5

- Anna & Arunas: They talk about Ireland. They talk about the situation, the geography, the history, the traditions... In general, I don't like the exposition. Arunas start good, but he was 15 secons quiet and reading the power point. I think that it isn't a good thing. Anna, was learning all the time and only leave reading for say 3 words, but this words are in catalan.
Q: Have you ever been in Ireland?
M: Arunas 5'5, Anna, 3'5

- Xavi: he talk about Kingdom. He explain the population, the culture, the music, the football and he added a video of liverpool. I think that he do a good job and have a good pronuntation.
Q: Is the Liverpool your favourite football team?
M: 6'5

- Sergi: He talk about Sidney, explain the situation, a lot of places and things for visit. Sergi read some words but he say a lot of important things and interesting information.
Q: why do you chose Sidney instead of Australia?
M: 7

- Wijam: He talk about Japan. He explain the geography of the japanese islands, the situation, the history the important geographic things and his expiriences in Japan. Wijam left some pictures of this travel to japan, but his oral exposition is correct.
Q: Is poor Japan?
M: 7

- Lauren: Lauren talk about Canadà. She explain the cima, the industries, the economy, the population and the religion. She have a technical problem and We can't see the pictures, but it's not her fault. She do a good presentation but he speak with french accent.
Q: why do you don't chose france?
M: 7

dijous, 5 de febrer del 2009

President of Guinea-Bissau is killed

The army killed the president of Guinea-Bissau when he try to leave his house. After that, the leader of the armed forces, was killed for a bomb.
In guinea it was a lot of problems, last November, President Vieira and in January the head of the armed forces were ataced.

dilluns, 2 de febrer del 2009

high accident

This weekend two cares crashed in the dual carriageway AP-7. One of the two cars, that there were 3 young people, lost the control because the driver was novice and the car invaded the other lane and the car crashed head-on with another car where there were 4 people. In this accident five people dead and two more were seriously injured, now they are in a hospital. The dead people stayed on the car that drove well but they didn’t fasten their belt car, althought the reason of this accident is that the driver slept when he was driving and he couldn’t make anything when he made up and saw the other car in front of him.